Successful leader development and recruitment
methods are necessary investments for
organizations in today s competitive market. Many
organizations recruit leaders externally yet
often there are internal employees who, when
provided with the support and training, may fulfill
the organization s leadership needs. The creation of
a successful leader development program involves a
process that necessitates joint participation from
the organization and its employees. By working
together to identify what the organization requires,
building profiles of successful leaders, and
methods of sustaining support for the program, an
organization can realize and encourage
internal leaders. Organizations that provide
successful leader development programs will
discover that a leader dwells within all their
employees. The key is determining how to tap their
potential. This analysis will provide guidance to
those organizations filling leadership positions due
to staff attrition and/or those who are developing
leadership training.
methods are necessary investments for
organizations in today s competitive market. Many
organizations recruit leaders externally yet
often there are internal employees who, when
provided with the support and training, may fulfill
the organization s leadership needs. The creation of
a successful leader development program involves a
process that necessitates joint participation from
the organization and its employees. By working
together to identify what the organization requires,
building profiles of successful leaders, and
methods of sustaining support for the program, an
organization can realize and encourage
internal leaders. Organizations that provide
successful leader development programs will
discover that a leader dwells within all their
employees. The key is determining how to tap their
potential. This analysis will provide guidance to
those organizations filling leadership positions due
to staff attrition and/or those who are developing
leadership training.