Section 1. Resistance to Multiculturalism
1. Modern Forms of Resistance to Multiculturalism: Keeping our Eyes on the
2. Expanding Our Understanding of White Racism and Resistance for Change in
the Fields of Counseling and Psychology
3. Resistance to Multiculturalism: The "Indian Problem"
4. To Be Included in the Multicultural Discussion: Check One Box Only
5. Manifestations of Resistance to Diversity and Multiculturalism in
6. Building Bridges in the 21st Century: Allies and the Power of Human
Connection across Demographic Divides
Section 2.Diverse Ethnic Minority Populations
7. African Americans in the New Millennium: A Continued Search for Our True
8. African American Couples: Their Importance to the Stability of African
American Families and Their Mental Health Issues
9. Latinos and Mental Health: At Least You Should Know This
10. Clinical Psychology Issues Among Asian/Pacific Islander Americans
11. South Asian Americans: Culture, Concerns and Therapeutic Strategies
12. American Indian Mental Health Service Delivery: Persistent Challenges
and Future Prospects
13. Not Just Black and White: Interracial Relationships and Multiracial
Section3. Diverse Non-Ethnic Populations
14. Women's Mental Health Research: History, Current Status, and Future
15. Violence Against Women: A Silent Pandemic
16. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology: Past, Present, and Future
17. Aging and Mental Health
18. Deaf: Moving from Hearing Loss to Diversity
19. Perspective on Spirituality and Psychology in Ethnic Populations