I examine the notion of culture as a psychedelic
phenomenon in language learning. My approach to the
term psychedelia is different from the 1960s
interpretation: it is the culture that reveals
(dêloô) its creator s psyche (psuchê) and beguiles
(deleazô) its receiver s psyche. Loving passionately
the English language-culture since my childhood, I
cherished a dream of becoming an English-speaking-
writing-thinking person one day. First, my dream was
triggered by my love of English language rock music,
then by literature of the language and then by its
entire culture.
Through my literary works, I explore such concepts
as Life, Learning, Love, Language, and Ledzeppelin
where the latter is a cultural stratum on which my
inner world is developed. The canvas of my writing
is presented in a symbolic form of literary and
musical Islands with which I create my arts-based
research of new learning-teaching interactions with
the learning component as dominating. I look for new
perspectives on education as a lifelong process that
takes place between I-world and They-world through
internalization and externalization.
phenomenon in language learning. My approach to the
term psychedelia is different from the 1960s
interpretation: it is the culture that reveals
(dêloô) its creator s psyche (psuchê) and beguiles
(deleazô) its receiver s psyche. Loving passionately
the English language-culture since my childhood, I
cherished a dream of becoming an English-speaking-
writing-thinking person one day. First, my dream was
triggered by my love of English language rock music,
then by literature of the language and then by its
entire culture.
Through my literary works, I explore such concepts
as Life, Learning, Love, Language, and Ledzeppelin
where the latter is a cultural stratum on which my
inner world is developed. The canvas of my writing
is presented in a symbolic form of literary and
musical Islands with which I create my arts-based
research of new learning-teaching interactions with
the learning component as dominating. I look for new
perspectives on education as a lifelong process that
takes place between I-world and They-world through
internalization and externalization.