Cybersecurity and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems collects and reports on recent high-quality research that addresses different problems related to cybersecurity and privacy in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). It
Presents high-quality contributions addressing related theoretical and practical aspects
Improves the reader's awareness of cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Analyzes and presents the state of the art of CPSs, cybersecurity, and related technologies and methodologies
Highlights and discusses recent developments and emerging trends in cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Proposes new models, practical solutions, and technological advances related to cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Discusses new cybersecurity and privacy models, prototypes, and protocols for CPSs
This comprehensive book promotes high-quality research by bringing together researchers and experts in CPS security and privacy from around the world to share their knowledge of the different aspects of CPS security.
Cybersecurity and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems is ideally suited for policymakers, industrial engineers, researchers, academics, and professionals seeking a thorough understanding of the principles of cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs. They will learn about promising solutions to these research problems and identify unresolved and challenging problems for their own research. Readers will also have an overview of CPS cybersecurity and privacy design.
Presents high-quality contributions addressing related theoretical and practical aspects
Improves the reader's awareness of cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Analyzes and presents the state of the art of CPSs, cybersecurity, and related technologies and methodologies
Highlights and discusses recent developments and emerging trends in cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Proposes new models, practical solutions, and technological advances related to cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs
Discusses new cybersecurity and privacy models, prototypes, and protocols for CPSs
This comprehensive book promotes high-quality research by bringing together researchers and experts in CPS security and privacy from around the world to share their knowledge of the different aspects of CPS security.
Cybersecurity and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems is ideally suited for policymakers, industrial engineers, researchers, academics, and professionals seeking a thorough understanding of the principles of cybersecurity and privacy in CPSs. They will learn about promising solutions to these research problems and identify unresolved and challenging problems for their own research. Readers will also have an overview of CPS cybersecurity and privacy design.