In this study we see that the intensity zones can be established from the determination of the lactate threshold, and that with records of the % SmO2 it is not possible to identify the lactate threshold, but the zones established through the Humon Hex algorithms coincide with the training zones established by the lactate threshold. When correlating a physiological parameter such as lactate concentration with the metabolic zones established from the % of SmO2 through the NIRS technique, it can be observed that in the anaerobic threshold zone there is a correlation where the % of SmO2 decreases due to the O2 demands of the muscles. The Humon Hex NIRS device is a tool that, unlike the lactate test, is non-invasive and real-time data can be obtained from the muscle involved in the exercise. It can be used to prescribe training loads, the interpretation of kinetics and SmO2 % changes during exercise can be a very useful reference to determine the exhaustion or recovery of the cyclist.