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Main description:
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 270 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.
Key - Methods presented for
- Heterologous expression of P450s
- Enzyme

Main description:
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 270 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.

Key - Methods presented for
- Heterologous expression of P450s
- Enzyme assays
- Determination of genotype
- Insect P450s
- Analysis of P450 structure
- Regulation

Review quote:
Praise for the Series
"The Methods in Enzymology series represents the gold-standard."
"Incomparably useful."
"It is a true 'methods' series, including almost every detail from basic theory to sources of equipment and reagents, with timely documentation provided on each page."
"The series has been following the growing, changing and creation of new areas of science. It should be on the shelves of all libraries in the world as a whole collection."
"The appearance of another volume in that excellent series, Methods in Enzymology, is always a cause for appreciation for those who wish to successfully carry out a particular technique or prepare an enzyme or metabolic intermediate without the tiresome prospect of searching through unfamiliar literature and perhaps selecting an unproven method which is not easily reproduced."
"If we had some way to find the work most often consulted in the laboratory, it could well be the multi-volume series Methods in Enzymology...a great work."
"A series that has established itself as a definitive reference for biochemists."

Table of contents:
Heterologous Expression of P450s: H.J. Barnes, Maximizing Expression of Eukaryotic Cytochrome P450s in Escherichia coli. C.W. Fisher, M.S. Shet, and R.W. Estabrook, Construction of Plasmids and Expression in Escherichia coli of Enzymatically Active Fusion Proteins Containing the Heme-Domain of a P450 Linked to NADPH-P450 Reductase. S.J. Pernecky and M.J. Coon, N-Terminal Modifications That Alter P450 Membrane Targeting and Function. F.P. Guengerich, M.V. Martin, Z. Guo, and Y.-J. Chun, Purification of Recombinant P450s from Bacteria. R.W. Estabrook, K.M. Faulkner, M.S. Shet, and C.W. Fisher, Application of Electrochemistry for P450-Catalyzed Reactions. D. Pompon, B. Louerat, A. Bronine, and P. Urban, Yeast Expression of Animal and Plant 450s in Optimized Redox Environments. U. Scheller, T. Juretzek, and W.-H. Schunck, Generation of the Cytosolic Domain of Microsomal P450 52A3 after High-Level Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. Lecoeur, J.-C. Gautier, C. Belloc, A. Gauffre, and P. Beaune, Use of Heterologous Expression Systems to Study Autoimmune Drug-Induced Hepatitis. C.A. Lee, T.A. Kost, and C. Serabjit-Singh, Recombinant Baculovirus Strategy for Coexpression of Functional Human Cytochrome P450 and P450 Reductase. Enzyme Assays: H.K. Kroemer, S. Botsch, G. Heinkele, and M. Schick, In Vitro Assessment of Various Cytochromes P450 and Glucuronosyltransferases Using the Antiarrhythmic Propafenone as a Probe Drug. P.J. Wedlund and G.R. Wilkinson, In Vivo and in Vitro Measurement of CYP2C19 Activity. D. Lucas, J.-F. Menez, and F. Berthou, Chlorzoxazone: An in Vitro and in Vivo Substrate Probe for Liver CYP2E1. B.K.Tang and W. Kalow, Assays for CYP1A2 by Testing in Vivo Metabolism of Caffeine in Humans. D.J. Birkett, T. Andersson, and J.O. Miners, Assays of Omeprazole Metabolism as a Substrate Probe for Human CYP Isoforms. J.O. Miners and D.J.Birkett, Use of Tolbutamide as a Substrate Probe for Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 2C9. T. Walle, Assays of CYP2C8- and CYP3A4-Mediated Metabolism of Taxol in Vivo and in Vitro. D. Kupfer and S.S. Dehal, Tamoxifen Metabolism by MicrosomalCytochrome P450 and Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase. E. Tanaka and Y. Funae, Trimethadione: Metabolism and Assessment of Hepatic Drug-Oxidizing Capacity. K. Groen and D.D. Breimer, Antipyrine, Theophylline, and Hexobarbital as in Vivo P450 Drug Probes. K. Brosen, E. Skjelbo, and K.K. Nielson, Imipramine: A Model Drug for P450 Research. A.D. Rodrigues, Measurement of Human Liver Microsomal Cytochrome P450 2D6 Activity Using [O-methyl
14C]Dextromethorphan as Substrate. Determination of Genotype: A.K. Daly, V.M. Steen, K.S. Fairbrother, and J.R. Idle, CYP2D6 Multiallelism. J.A. Goldstein and J. Blaisdell, Genetic Tests which Identify the Principle Defects in CYP2C19 Responsible for the Polymorphismin Mephenytoin Metabolism. V. Nedelcheva, I. Persson, and M. Ingelman-Sundberg, Genetic Polymorphism of Human Cytochrome P450 2E1. K. Kawajiri, J. Watanabe, and S.-i. Hayashi, Identification of Allelic Variants of Human CYP1A1 Gene. Plant P450s: S.-M.C. Lau and D.P. OKeefe, Analysis of Herbicide Metabolism by Monocot Microsomal Cytochrome P450. J. Hefner and R. Croteau, Microsome Preparation from Woody Plant Tissues. A.R. Brash and W. Song, Detection, Assay, and Isolation of Allene Oxide Synthase. F. Durst, I.Benveniste, M. Schalk, and D. Werck-Reichhart, Cinnamic Acid Hydroxylase Activity in Plant Microsomes. B.A. Halkier, O. Sibbesen, and B.L. Moller, Isolation of Plant and Recombinant CYP79. T.A. Holton and D.R. Lester, Cloning of Novel Cytochrome P450 Gene Sequences via PCR Amplification. Insect P450s: J.G. Scott, Preparation of Microsomes from Insects and Purification of CYP6D1 from House Flies. T.J. Sliter, S. Sudhivoraseth, and J.L. McCarthy, Quantification of Ecdysteroid Biosynthesis during Short Term Organ Culture. M.J. Synder, J.A. Scott, J.F. Anderson, and R. Feyereisen, Sampling P450 Diversity by Cloning PCR Products Obtained with Degenerate Primers. Analysis of P450 Structure: S.E. Graham-Lorence and J.A. Peterson, Structural Alignments of P450s and Extrapolations to the Unknown. K.R. Korzekwa and J.P. Jones, Predicting the Rates and Regioselectivity of Reactions Mediated by the P450 Superfamily. J.J. de Voss and P.R. Ortiz de Montellano, Substrate Docking Algorithms and the Prediction of Substrate Specificity. M.D. Paulsen, J.I. Manchester, and R.L. Ornstein, Using Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Predict P450 Oxidation Products. T.L. Poulos, Approaches to Crystallizing P450s. J.-J.P. Kim, D.L. Roberts, S. Djordjevic, M. Wang, T. Shea, and B.S.S. Masters, Crystallization Studies of NADPHCytochrome P450 Reductase. Regulation: E.T. Morgan, M. Nikolova-Karakashian, J.-q. Chen, and A.H. Merrill, Jr., Sphingolipid-Dependent Signaling in Regulation of Cytochrome P450 Expression. S.C. Strom, L.A. Pisarov, K. Dorko, M.T. Thompson, J.D. Schuetz, and E.G. Schuetz, Use of Human Hepatocytes to Study P450 Gene Induction. M.J. Fasco, E. Treanor, and L. Kaminsky, Cytochrome P450 mRNA Induction: Quantitation by RNAPCR Using Capillary Electrophoresis. P.M. Fernandez-Salguero and F.J. Gonzalez, Targeted Disruption of Specific Cytochromes P450 and Xenobiotic Receptor Genes. Author Index. Subject Index.