This book entitled "Cytotoxic giant-cell induction & phytoconstituents of Yellow Oleander, Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold [Apocynaceae] " reveals the cytotoxicity of C. thevetia, its phytochemical analysis and in situ visualisation of cell death using Evans blue assay. Yellow oleander, a tropical evergreen shrub is a native of West Indies, Southern Mexico and America. The plant possesses phytoconstituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, saponins, phlobatannins, steroids, tannins, coumarins, proteins and amino acids. A wide spectrum of clastogenic abnormalities like the giant cells, the strap cells, nuclear budding & lesions, cytoplasmic shrinkage & vacuolation, nuclear & chromosome erosion, apoptotic bodies, nuclear disintegration & extrusion, nuclear diminution, & fragmentation, apoptotic fragmentation of chromatin, nuclear peak formation, pulverization, multiple chromosome bridges, etc. were observed. The non-clastogenic abnormalities scored include micronucleus, bi- & tri-nucleate cells, triple micronuclei, the diagonal arrangement of chromosomes, tripolar anaphase, etc. The study unveils the potential cytotoxic and phytochemical constituents of C. thevetia.