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For over seven centuries, Dante and his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, have held a special place in Western culture. The poem is at once a vivid journey through hell to heaven, a poignant love story, and a picture of humanity's relationship to God. It is so richly imaginative that a first reading can be bewildering. In response, Peter Hawkins has written an inspiring introduction to the poet, his greatest work, and its abiding influence. His knowledge of Dante and enthusiasm for his vision make him an expert guide for the willing reader.

For over seven centuries, Dante and his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, have held a special place in Western culture. The poem is at once a vivid journey through hell to heaven, a poignant love story, and a picture of humanity's relationship to God. It is so richly imaginative that a first reading can be bewildering. In response, Peter Hawkins has written an inspiring introduction to the poet, his greatest work, and its abiding influence. His knowledge of Dante and enthusiasm for his vision make him an expert guide for the willing reader.
Peter S. Hawkins is Professor of Religion at Boston University, where he directs the Luce Program in Scripture and Literary Arts. His publications include Dante's Testaments: Essays on Scriptural Imagination (1999), The Poets' Dante: Twentieth-Century Reflections (edited with Rachel Jacoff, 2000), and The Language of Grace (2005).
?Hawkins? book has been written with students and teachers in mind,and having used it in the classroom, I can say that in this itsucceeds signally.? ( Theology, September 2009)

?Peter Hawkins offers us a learned but highly original study,unapologetically personal in perspective, that soars beyond the?brief, accessible, and lively accounts? enjoined by the Blackwellseries.? (Religion and the Arts, November 2008)

?The medieval Italian poet Dante is one of those literary?greats? that many believe only really clever, highly-educatedpeople can access and enjoy. Fortunately, self-confessed Dantelover, Peter Hawkins, has written a little gem of a book whichgives us less scholarly types a glimpse ? [It] represents hiseffort to transition a lifetime?s passion and scholarship into ahighly readable, most satisfying encounter with this masterartist/theologian. Anyone who has ever contemplated life, death andbeyond, will find treasures and wisdom for life?s journey in thisslim, 194 pages volume.? (Methodist Recorder)

"An accessible writing style, small format and attractivecontemporary art will make the book appealing to readers new toDante. Those already proficient will delight in the many newperspectives and insights the author provides." (America: TheNational Catholic Weekly)"Peter Hawkins unveils Dante the writer and the person. He does sonot only with impeccable scholarship but also with emotion, commonsense, and empathy - all expressed in beautifully clear prose.Moreover, Hawkins reminds us that Dante does not belong exclusivelyto scholars and specialists: here, new 'pilgrims' are welcomedaboard. Those who revisit the Commedia under his guidance will bereminded anew why the poet remains prominently on our shelves, andwill place this volume right alongside it."
-Matthew Pearl, author of The Dante Club

"Peter Hawkins' knowledge of and passion for Dante shinesthrough every page of this elegantly written book. He writes,moreover, with passion and precision. This is not only a superbintroduction to Dante, but a work which will move and enlightenthose thoroughly steeped in a poet who remains, seven centuriesafter his death, still very much our contemporary."
-Gabriel Josipovici, University of Sussex

"A wonderful book for the awe and wonder that the author bringsto his personal reading of the poem and which he also inspires inthe reader. His perceptions convey the 'aliveness' not only ofDante's poem but equally of his own critical imagination."
-Richard Lansing, Brandeis University

"Anyone who makes Dante and his genius more available to modernreaders deserves our thanks. Peter Hawkins' careful readingand meticulous scholarship not only brings Dante to life but alsoshows how he has touched and enlivened readers throughout the ages.Dante's vision never ceases to challenge and deepen us andthe Commedia speaks to our age as much as it did to his. The greatthing about this book is that it makes one want to go out and reador re-read the original story. Readers tend to project their ownprejudices and longings onto the poet. But Dante is always ahead ofus, as if to say with Beatrice, 'Look and look well,' you willnever get to the bottom of things. A timely message in a dangerousage of raucous certainties."
-Alan Jones, Dean of Grace Cathedral, San Franciscoand author of The Soul's Journey: The Three Passages ofthe Spiritual Life with Dante as Guide

"A tour-de-force of compression, offering passionate engagementwith Dante in all aspects of the Divine Comedy. It is absolutelyfreshly imagined and moving."
-Alison Milbank, University of Nottingham