"Dark Water" is the poignant tale of individuals who have been compelled by fate to reside on different self made islands. The narrative constructs a new world by connecting various worlds, not just in terms of different forms or colours but also in terms of holding unique identities. Through the character Saket, you encounter reflections of many idealistic Sakets, while the character Deep Di reveals the struggles of numerous conflicted Deep Dis. The story carries an underlying sentiment of self-abandonment for the sake of others, compelling deep contemplation. Woven from the threads of simple, natural events, this narrative is not merely a tale of human relationships but also a living depiction of the present. The barren landscapes of these secluded islands serve as the canvas upon which this work is written, representing a genuine testament of its time-an enduring and timeless tale of anguish.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.