Menno Schilthuizen is a Dutch evolutionary biologist, ecologist, and permanent research scientist at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden and a professor in character evolution and biodiversity at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He has published numerous articles about evolution and ecology and three popular science books.
City portal
Part I: City life
1: Nature's ultimate ecosystem engineer
2: The ant(hropo)-hill
3: Downtown ecology
4: Urban naturalists
5: City slickers
6: If I can make it there
Part II: Cityscapes
7: These are the facts
8: Urban myths
9: So it really is
10: Town mouse, country mouse
11: Poisoning pigeons in the park
12: Bright lights, big city
13: But is it really evolution?
Part III: City encounters
14: Close urban encounters
15: Self-domestication
16: Songs of the city
17: Sex and the city
18: Turdus urbanicus
Part IV: Darwin city
19: Evolution in a telecoupled world
20: Design it with Darwin