Als Grenzgänger zwischen Architektur und Ingenieurwesen, als Konstrukteur, Entwerfer und Erfinder ist Pier Luigi Nervi in die Baugeschichte eingegangen. Durch seine Fähigkeit, poetische und sinnliche architektonische Räume aus der Logik der Konstruktion zu entwickeln, durch seine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Material Beton und dessen Anwendung ist seine Arbeit bis heute beispielgebend und zeitlos lehrreich. Architekturtheoretiker, Architekten und Bauingenieure diskutieren vor dem Hintergrund des Werks und der Arbeitsweise von Pier Luigi Nervi über aktuelle Fragestellungen zu Konstruktion und Gestaltung, Prozess und Material. Beiträge von: Shelley McNamara, Yvonne Farell, Georg Vrachliotis, Fabian Scheurer, Christian Penzel, Cristiana Chiorino, Jürg Conzett.
Pier Luigi Nervi went down in history as someone who crossed between the realms of architecture and engineering as an engineer, a designer, an inventor, and a businessman. His ability to develop poetic and sensual architectural spaces from the logic of engineering and his intense engagement with reinforced concrete as a material and its possibilities of application make Nervi a timelessly instructive example. Architectural theorists, architects, and construction engineers are invited to discuss current issues of construction and design, process and material against the backdrop of Pier Luigi Nervi's work and approach. Contributors: Shelley McNamara, Yvonne Farell, Georg Vrachliotis, Fabian Scheurer, Christian Penzel, Cristiana Chiorino, Jürg Conzett. - Produktsprache: Deutsch / Englisch
Pier Luigi Nervi went down in history as someone who crossed between the realms of architecture and engineering as an engineer, a designer, an inventor, and a businessman. His ability to develop poetic and sensual architectural spaces from the logic of engineering and his intense engagement with reinforced concrete as a material and its possibilities of application make Nervi a timelessly instructive example. Architectural theorists, architects, and construction engineers are invited to discuss current issues of construction and design, process and material against the backdrop of Pier Luigi Nervi's work and approach. Contributors: Shelley McNamara, Yvonne Farell, Georg Vrachliotis, Fabian Scheurer, Christian Penzel, Cristiana Chiorino, Jürg Conzett. - Produktsprache: Deutsch / Englisch