Anlässlich des 125. Geburtstages Erich Maria Remarques am 22. Juni 2023 widmet sich dieser Band einzelnen Aspekten der Werke und des Wirkens des Autors. Wunderbares, Idyllisches und der Krieg in verschiedenen Romanen werden dabei ebenso betrachtet wie verschiedene Formen des sich Erinnerns. Behandelt wird auch die Frage nach der Aktualität der Bücherverbrennung von 1933 neunzig Jahre danach - und was die Ermordung von Remarques Schwester Elfriede Scholz mit uns heute zu tun hat. Ergänzt werden die Beiträge zu Remarque durch einen Aufsatz zur englischen und deutschen Lyrik des Ersten Weltkrieges sowie einige Rezensionen.
On the occasion of Erich Maria Remarque's 125th birthday on June 22nd 2023 the present volume commits itself with the works and life of the author. Beautiful and idyllic aspects, the war in various novels as well as different forms of remembrance are being examined. The volume also questions the current interest in the burning of books of 1933 after ninety years. Additionally, it explores how the execution of Remarque's sister Elfriede Scholz affects us today. Furthermore, an essay of both English and German lyric of World War I as well as several recensions are included.
On the occasion of Erich Maria Remarque's 125th birthday on June 22nd 2023 the present volume commits itself with the works and life of the author. Beautiful and idyllic aspects, the war in various novels as well as different forms of remembrance are being examined. The volume also questions the current interest in the burning of books of 1933 after ninety years. Additionally, it explores how the execution of Remarque's sister Elfriede Scholz affects us today. Furthermore, an essay of both English and German lyric of World War I as well as several recensions are included.