David Plotkin has 30 years of experience in data governance, data modeling, metadata, and data quality. He has led efforts at employers and client companies to plan and implement Data Governance both as stand-alone efforts and as part of other initiatives such as Data Quality improvement and Master Data Management. He has previously managed Data Governance at two insurance companies and managed data quality at two large banks. He is a popular speaker at DAMA courses and conferences and serves as a subject matter expert on many topics around metadata, data governance, and data quality.
1. Data Stewardship and Data Governance: How They Fit Together2.
Understanding the Types of Data Stewardship3. Data Stewardship Roles and
Responsibilities4. Implementing Data Stewardship5. Training Business Data
Stewards6. Practical Data Stewardship7. Important Roles of Data Stewards8.
Measuring Data Stewardship Progress: The Metrics9. Rating Your Data
Stewardship Maturity10. Big Data Stewardship and Data Lakes11. Governing
and Stewarding your Data using Data Domains12. Summing It All UpAppendixA:
Example Definition and DerivationB: Sample Training Plan Outlines