Synopsis: - High school friends David and Piddy's quiet fishing trip takes a dangerous turn when they overhear their classmate Amanda being kidnapped. Determined to save her, the boys rescue Amanda and discover that her kidnappers are after a secret file belonging to her father-one that could expose a powerful criminal organization. Together, the trio embarks on a tense, high-stakes journey to protect the file, facing dangerous enemies and uncovering dark secrets. In a final showdown at Amanda's father's office, they outsmart the kidnappers and call for help, bringing the criminals to justice. The experience forever changes their lives, proving the power of courage and friendship. Part Of The Book: - "Yeah, well, we'll see about that," David shot back, his smile widening as he shifted his weight on the grassy bank. "You've been lucky. But today's my day." The sun filtered through the canopy of trees that lined the riverbank, casting dappled shadows that danced on the ground. This stretch of river was more than a favorite fishing spot-it was their hideaway, their refuge from the noise of school and the pressure of life. David glanced at Piddy, who was squinting at the horizon, lost in thought. For a moment, David felt a surge of warmth-this was more than a routine fishing trip. It was another chapter in the long history of their friendship. "Hey, remember when that goose chased us all the way to the car?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face. Piddy laughed, shaking his head. "Of course. I swear it was possessed. If you hadn't thrown that bread, we'd probably still be running." David snorted. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was out for blood. You screamed like a banshee, by the way."
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