In a world where magic lies dormant and science rules, Deanna, a seemingly ordinary 16 year old girl is about to embark on an extraordinary journey. Little does she know, the tides of fate are shifting, and a revelation of unimaginable proportions awaits her. As mysterious events unfold around her, Deanna's perception of life and the Universe will be forever changed. Hidden powers begin to awaken within her, revealing a magical heritage she never knew existed. Suddenly, her once ordinary existence is infused with extraordinary potential. Guided by ancient prophecies and one cranky Old Man, Deanna is thrust into a life altering quest - to uncover the truth about her lineage, find her lost people, and reclaim her long lost Kingdom. Along the way, she'll encounter formidable foes and face soul stirring challenges that will test her courage and determination to the core. Join Deanna as she, at first, fights, then embraces her destiny and uncovers the secrets of a world steeped in magic, intrigue, and adventure. Will she rise to the occasion and embrace her true power, or will the forces working against her prove insurmountable? In this gripping tale of self discover and resilience, Deanna's epic journey will captivate your heart and leave you spellbound until the very last page. "Deanna - The Beginning" is a thrilling coming of age fantasy that explores the enduring strength of the human spirit and the limitless power of believing in oneself.
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