Imagine a true story that unfolds in the harshness of Australia's outback, beginning in 1957 and spanning decades. Imagine Dulcie's battle to keep her family and animals alive despite raging bushfires, floods, cyclones, droughts, dingo attacks and terrible accidents. The story of Dulcie, a simple Queensland pineapple farmer's wife, has so many twists and turns that it will leave you gasping. Each book purchased will help support Careflight, an Australian aero-medical charity that attends emergencies, however remote. "Shocking, yet heart-warming. Overwhelmingly gripping." Beth Haslam, author of the Fat Dogs and French Estates series. "Wow! Goosebumps." Elizabeth Moore, author of the Someday Travels series and Top 1000 Amazon reviewer. "A truly remarkable young woman and a unique record of Australian life." Valerie Poore, author of Watery Ways. "Once read, never forgotten." Victoria Twead, New York Times bestselling author of the Old Fools series. "There are no words that can do this book justice." Julie Haigh, Top 1000 Amazon reviewer.
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