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Wiltshire, during the dying days of Oliver Cromwell's Republic. Robert Vaughan is the son of a Parliamentarian officer who is investigating a series of grisly murders which suggest a link with Satanic rituals at Stonehenge. The return of a notoriously wicked Cavalier, signalling the impending royalist restoration, leads to a terrible tragedy for the Vaughans. Robert's flight from his violent, terrifying past leads him to Restoration London, where he works as scribe for Milton, and where he survives the Plague and the Great Fire.
But Robert is led along a dark path, to vampirism and beyond,

Wiltshire, during the dying days of Oliver Cromwell's Republic. Robert Vaughan is the son of a Parliamentarian officer who is investigating a series of grisly murders which suggest a link with Satanic rituals at Stonehenge. The return of a notoriously wicked Cavalier, signalling the impending royalist restoration, leads to a terrible tragedy for the Vaughans. Robert's flight from his violent, terrifying past leads him to Restoration London, where he works as scribe for Milton, and where he survives the Plague and the Great Fire.

But Robert is led along a dark path, to vampirism and beyond, as he devotes himself to gaining the powers that will enable him to fight an evil killer of seemingly satanic powers. He will travel the globe, from the ancient ghetto of Prague to the virgin forest of the New World, as he aims to gain revenge on those who betrayed him.

England im 17. Jahrhundert: In der Nähe von Salisbury werden drei Menschen völlig blutleer und mit Wunden übersät aufgefunden; kurz darauf kommt der ermittelnde Kommissar in Stonehenge auf grausame Weise ums Leben, seine Frau wird bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannt. Einzig Robert, der Sohn der beiden, kann dem Leibhaftigen nach einem heftigen Kampf entkommen, trägt jedoch seitdem einen teuflischen Fötus in sich. Zu seinem Glück nimmt die schöne Lady Helen den schwerverwundeten Jungen zu sich nach London und kümmert sich liebevoll um ihn. Mit seiner Genesung wächst in Robert der Wunsch, den Tod seiner Eltern zu rächen. Als er herausfindet, daß Helen und ihr Lebensgefährte Vampire sind, wächst in ihm die Hoffnung auf Rache.
A rare steak of a book, rich with life and awash with lashings of blood SFX