Carol Ptak, CFPIM, CIRM, DDPP, DDLP, ASTP, is a Co-Founder and Partner at the Demand Driven Institute. Ms. Ptak is a past president of APICS and has authored several books on MRP, ERP, Lean, and Theory of Constraints.
PART 1: Perspective:
* Ch 1: Planning in the New Normal
* Ch 2: The Importance of Flow
* Ch 3: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) in the New Normal
* Ch 4: Unlocking a Solution – The Power of Decoupling
PART 2: Becoming Demand Driven
* Ch 5: Supply Order Generation and Execution for the New Normal
* Ch 6: Strategic Inventory Positioning
* Ch 7: Strategic Buffers
* Ch 8: Buffer Adjustments
* Ch 9: Demand Driven Planning
* Ch 10: Demand Driven Execution
* Ch 11: DDMRP Impacts to the Operational Environment
* Ch 12: DDMRP Metrics and Analytics
* Ch 13: The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Model
* Ch 14: Implications for Information Technology
* App A: An MRP Example
* App B: Simulating DDMRP Buffers
* App C: Applying DDMRP to the Apparel Retail Environment
* App D: Demand Driven MRP Dictionary
* App E: The Innovations of DDMRP