There is mounting evidence throughout the world that democracy is in retreat. This can be stopped and repaired by infusing it with action, beliefs, and knowledge. This book offers a powerful prescription to stop the democracy deficit disorder: authentically engaging young people throughout our democracy. Through critical thinking and substantive actions, adults can become allies to young people. This will lead to authentic youth engagement, which will make democracy more meaningful, purposeful, and sustainable than ever before.
"Democracy Deficit Disorder is a brilliant book that takes on not only the current war on youth, but also illustrates how young people are writing themselves back into the future at time when democracy is under assault. Combining a language of critique and hope, the book offers a sobering analysis of the ongoing struggle over agency, identity, social values, and justice young people now face. The book makes clear how crucial critical education is to this current crisis and offers an indispensable guide to both understanding it and meeting the call for a democracy in which justice, equity, and compassion matter." Henry Giroux, PhD Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the Department of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University