1. Democracy and economic justice
Part I. Unequal Property and Individualism in Liberal Theory: 2. The underlying logic of liberal property theory
3. Unequal property and its premise in Locke's theory
4. Unequal property and individualism, Kant to Rawls
Part II. Egalitarian Property and Justice as Dueness: 5. Whose property is it, anyway?
6. The social nature of economic actors and forms of equal dueness
7. Policy reflections: the effect of an egalitarian regime on economic growth
Part III. Egalitarian Property and the Ethics of Economic Community: 8. Deriving equality from community
9. The dimension of community in capital-based market systems: between consumers and producers
10. Endogenous preferences and economic community
11. The dimension of community in capital-based market systems: between capital and labour
12. The right to an equal share of part of national income
Part IV. Democracy and Economic Justice
13. Democratic distributive justice
14. Democracy and economic rights