The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 made WHO declare it as a pandemic and became one of the greatest challenges for healthcare systems worldwide. The proximity to the oral cavity along with the fact that oral and maxillofacial (OMF) procedures involve an exorbitant amount of aerosol production puts the OMF surgeons at the greatest risk of infection among the health care worker's spectrum. OMF surgeons around the world resorted to safety measures to curb the spread of nosocomial infections by canceling elective surgeries and aerosol generating procedures along with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Guidelines for the safe practice of OMF surgery were proposed by various national and international OMF organizations. Despite all these guidelines and safety norms, a drastic fall in the number of patients in the OMF outpatient department (OPD) and surgeries was witnessed. This book emphasizes on the pandemic effects, the various challenges and complications faced by dentists and OMF surgeons and various guidelines to provide healthcare during such state of affairs.