The book is aimed at providing the in-depth knowledge of all the phases of SDLC along with their significance and standardization. Vol-I of the book is divided into 4 chapters designed in a manner that tries to manage a logical progression through SDLC phases. Chapter 1 of the book focuses on project objectives and category along with the application domains and tools/platforms employed for software development. Chapter 2 emphasizes solely on system analysis and Design. The salient features of this chapter are in-depth coverage of logical and physical design, feasibility study, project planning and scheduling. The outcome of the chapter is Software Requirements Analysis and Specification. Software Engineering paradigm applied is discussed at depth. Chapter 3 covers functionality of the modules constituting 'Human Resource Management and Performance Monitoring System' along with user interface design and database design along with data integrity constraints. The final Chapter 4 incorporates user interface of each module along with a complete source code.