Nowadays wireless communication has become ubiquitous around the world and its application for gauging energy consumption by customers is rapidly gaining pace, not only in the developed world but also in the developing countries. This book presents the design and implementation of an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system using Arduino Uno and wireless communication based on the Global System for Mobile (GSM) standard. The aim is to monitor, accurately read an energy meter and automatically transmit the reading (energy consumed) wirelessly to the energy supply company's billing office using Short Message Service (SMS). The design and implementation is carried out in four stages; literature review, software design and programming, hardware block testing, and the complete system testing. The software design is done with Proteus Professional 8 and the sketch (program) is written and uploaded to the Arduino Uno using the Arduino software IDE. The main hardware consists of Arduino Uno (a microcontroller-based board), an energy meter, SIM900A GSM module, a SIM card, Step-down Transformer, 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), a bulb and a mobile phone.