The wide spread prevalence of lost limbs and loss of sensing in paralyzed limbs is major concern in present day due to accident, age and health problems. To assist people paralyzed from waist down and impairments in hands as well as having disabilities in any major organ of body, the proposed voice actuated wheelchair model is designed and it uses voice control for navigating in required direction. The voice of the person is detected by voice capture module and compared with predefined voices loaded in system. By storing a single letter or word in voice recognition module for each direction control, the recognition time is reduced drastically of the order 1428 nSec and thus quick response in movement of wheelchair and in turn patient to reach destination can be achieved with accuracy of 90%. As per the voice command received, system instructs the wheelchair to move immediately. The system is equipped with obstacle avoidance mechanism, to protect patient from collision, and in turn avoids the accidents. The designed wheelchair also consists of patient monitoring system divided in two sections, one is pulse rate monitor and body temperature monitor.