This book presents the basic theory
and design methodology of frequency synthesizers
targeted for short-range wireless
applications. Three different examples of
synthesizers expose the reader to several aspects of
the design where advanced circuit solutions are used
to improve the performance of the presented circuits.
A frequency synthesizer, part of a dual-mode
receiver capable of processing signals of the
Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b) standards,
is implemented in BiCMOS technology. Featured in the
synthesizer is a phase switching prescaler. A large
capacitance is also integrated on-chip using a
capacitance multiplier circuit that provides a
drastic area reduction while adding a negligible
phase noise contribution.
The book is completed with a quadrature calibration
circuit that uses an algorithm to continuously
maintain phase accuracy at the output
and design methodology of frequency synthesizers
targeted for short-range wireless
applications. Three different examples of
synthesizers expose the reader to several aspects of
the design where advanced circuit solutions are used
to improve the performance of the presented circuits.
A frequency synthesizer, part of a dual-mode
receiver capable of processing signals of the
Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b) standards,
is implemented in BiCMOS technology. Featured in the
synthesizer is a phase switching prescaler. A large
capacitance is also integrated on-chip using a
capacitance multiplier circuit that provides a
drastic area reduction while adding a negligible
phase noise contribution.
The book is completed with a quadrature calibration
circuit that uses an algorithm to continuously
maintain phase accuracy at the output