Manufacturing an aircraft is such a complex project that requires the integration of professionals and highly skilled engineers which cut across the whole supply chain. The aerospace industry is a very complex industry and it is attributed with a very high level of risk and cost.Going back into history, it would show that the supply chain of the aerospace industry has changed tremendously as regards the relationship between the manufacturers of aircraft's and their suppliers, and also the relationship between the management side of technology and proficiency in engineering Rose-Anderssen et al (2010).Integration is very important in investigating global aerospace supply chain. Most organizations want very tight integration of activities along the supply chain so to gain a competitive advantage. The success of aerospace supply chain lies within the integration and coordination of activities within an organization. Samaranyake (2005) explains that idea of supply chain is the integration of materials and information between suppliers, manufacturers and consumers, but integration of supply chain in the aerospace space sector is more complex than that.