Finger millet, a staple cereal in Africa and India, is rich in dietary fiber and micronutrients, making it suitable for preparing flour and traditional foods like roti, ambali, and mudde. It contains low fat, which reduces diabetes mellitus and gastro-intestinal tract disorders. Finger millet malt is used in pharmaceutical industries for tablets and capsule dosages. Moth bean, a legume in Northern India, is a source of proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals. It is used in the diets of patients with fevers and is used in breakfast items. Drumstick, a native plant in tropical and subtropical countries, is known for its health benefits, including stomach complaints, cancer, gastric ulcers, skin diseases, and blood pressure. Multigrain mixes from cereals and legumes, like chickpea and Bengal gram, are valued for their high protein content and importance in international nutrition. This Book will help to researchers, students, about the study of physico-chemical properties of finger millet malt and moth bean malt, development multigrain mixes for Indian traditional food, and study the effect of packaging material and storage duration.