Cities in around the world especially in developing countries are facing a number of challenges in terms of land planning, use and administration. One of such challenges is the development of informal settlements. Squatter settlements have posed a great challenge especially in ensuring proper land use, quality of structures and provision of services to dwelling population. Studying about these issues may help to give insight to authorities in city management by giving then informing them and also advise on some of overlooked issues which when addressed could help in building sustainable cities around the world. This book therefore shares the experience of Malawi particularly Blantyre city on through research of factors driving the growth of informal settlements. On outcomes, the research also gave recommendations necessary to help control escalation of information settlements. This book is very important to those studying Geography, town and city planning, land use. It is also a good informative piece for city administrators, estate managers and planners Davies Osman Nkhoma-BaEd,Geography