Challenges are inevitable in life. No one is left out of it irrespective of the race, age, status or experience. These sundry challenges appear at various stages of life for instance, the developmental challenge of stealing among primary school pupils. Therefore, this book includes topics such as: Moral Development in Children Mechanism of Moral Development Understanding Children's Behaviour Guiding Children's Behaviour and Setting Rules for Good Behaviour Child Developer's Role in Guiding Children's Behaviour Conduct Disorder in Classroom Some Common Behavioural Problems among Children Child Abuse, Child Neglect and Stealing Behaviour Parental Representation and Children's Behaviour towards Stealing Prevention and Discipline of Stealing Behaviour among Children Concept of Cognitive Restructuring Model of the Basic Steps in Cognitive Restructuring Therapy Elements of Cognitive Restructuring Contradictions about Cognitive Restructuring Re-orientation of Children with Stealing Behaviour Implications of Findings and Recommendations