Despite the increasing number of Palestinian refugees with diabetes, studies overlooked the day-to-day experiences of refugees living in camps, their management of chronic illnesses, and its impact on quality of life (QOL). No previous studies about Palestinian refugees management of chronic diseases (diabetes) have been located in the literature. Qualitative studies provide meaningful data about participants' lives and experiences. Research studies of QOL of a person managing a chronic condition could be policy-oriented, provide information to the public, and have relevance for decision makers. This book describes Palestinian refugee women s experience of managing diabetes and its impact on their life. Five chapters present study background, conceptual framework and related literature, methodlogy, results, discussion, implications and recommendations. Health workers can help the women improve their management strategies, their QOL and the quality of care offered to refugees. This book is the first to present research-based data on Palestinian refugee women s experience of managing chronic diseases. It lays out guidelines for health care provision to refugee women with diabetes.