Roentgen examination of the kidney and the ureter.- Preface.- A. Introduction.- B. Equipment.- C. Radiation protection.- D. Preparation of the patient for roentgen examination.- E. Examination methods.- F. Anomalies.- G. Nephro- and ureterolithiasis.- H. Renal tuberculosis.- J. Renal, pelvic and ureteric tumours.- K. Renal cysts.- L. Polycystic disease.- M. Primary vascular lesions.- N. Dilatation of the urinary tract.- O. Backflow.- P. Injury to kidney and ureter.- Q. Perinephritis, abscess and carbuncle of the kidney.- R. Gas in the urinary tract.- S. Papillary necrosis.- T. Medullary sponge kidney.- U. Generalized diseases of the renal parenchyma.- References.- Roentgen examination of the distal urinary tract and of the male genital organs.- I. General indications for roentgenologic examination of the distal urinary tract and its value in relation to that of endoscopy.- II. Complications of roentgenologic examination and its contraindications.- III. Urethrocystographic technique: instruments, contrast medium, procedure.- IV. The urinary bladder.- V. The male urethra and its adnexa.- VI. The female urethra.- VII. Urethrocystography in children.- VIII. Vaso-vesiculo-epididymography.- IX. Angiography of the bladder, urethra and male genital organs.- References.- Diagnostic radioactive isotopes in urology..- A. Diagnostic tests of organ function.- B. Cancer detection.- C. Fluid and electrolyte exchange.- D. Diagnostic radioautography.- References.- Author Index.