The study and evolution of endodontic treatments aim to prepare the root canal system to receive an airtight obturation of this system and thus preserve the health of periapical tissues and/or restore it. The achievement of these goals is conditioned to the compliance of an adequate chemical-mechanical preparation of the root canals, followed by their obturation. The present book analyzed endodontically prepared root canals, using the diaphanization technique and the radiographic technique. In these, the quality of the chemical-mechanical preparation techniques was analysed regarding the modelling of the root canal, the anatomical characteristics of the root canal system were visualised, the radiographic examination and the diaphanisation of the teeth were compared and it was also verified whether the students who performed the root canal preparation assimilated the knowledge of Endodontics. The book helps students, professors and professionals of dentistry, dental anatomy and endodontics to understand which are the real difficulties, indications and failures in the techniques of root canal preparation and also alternatives in the teaching of Endodontics.