Diarrhoea and nutrition related characteristics of children and their households who are urban dwellers and compare these characteristics associated with rural young children has been discussed in this book. One hundred seventy urban and rural children of age group 6-10 years were selected from a tertiary care hospital, ICDDR,B. The knowledge of urban population regarding the primary symptoms of diarrhoea was good (p=0.191). But it was found rural population know more about the preparation of home made fluid (p=0.220). It was significantly found that majority of the people does not know how long the ORS should continue (p=0.285). On the other hand, 55% urban and 52.4% rural dwellers do not know that using untreated surface water can cause diarrhoea (p=0.903). The study found that only 44.3% urban dispose their garbage at open space beside their dwelling place. Only 26.1% urban children and almost 16% rural children wash hand only with water and rural population used more unhygienic latrine compared with urban. The prevention of diarrhoel diseases, coordinated education and motivation program should be undertaken to improve the nutritional status of urban and rural.