Part I. Bonapartism to Its Contemporaries: 1. From consulate to empire:
impetus and resistance Isser Woloch; 2. The Bonapartes and Germany T. C. W.
Blanning; 3. Prussian conservatives and the problem of Bonapartism David E.
Barclay; 4. Tocqueville and French nineteenth-century conceptualizations of
the two Bonapartes and their empires Melvin Richter; 5. Marx and Brumaire
Terrell Carver; 6. Bonapartism as the progenitor of democracy: the
paradoxical case of the French Second Empire Sudhir Hazareesingh; Part II.
Bonapartism, Caesarism, Totalitarianism: Twentieth-Century Experiences and
Reflections: 7. Max Weber and the avatars of Caesarism Peter Baehr; 8. The
concept of Caesarism in Gramsci Benedetto Fontana; 9. From constitutional
technique to Caesarist ploy: Carl Schmitt on dictatorship, liberalism and
emergency powers John P. McCormick; 10. Bonapartist and Gaullist heroic
leadership: comparing crisis appeals to an impersonated people Jack
Hayward; 11. The leader and the masses: Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism
and dictatorship Margaret Canovan; Part III. Ancient Resonances: 12.
Dictatorship in Rome Claude Nicolet; 13. From the historical Caesar to the
spectre of Caesarism: the imperial administrator as internal threat Arthur
M. Eckstein.