Dokumentation einer öffentlichen Debatte 2021 Herausgegeben:Matheus, Michael; König, Judith; Stiftung Haus des Erinnerns - für Demokratie und Akzeptanz Mainz; Verein der Freude des Landesmuseums Mainz e.V.; Mainzer Altertumsverein e.V.; Bürgerrat St
Dokumentation einer öffentlichen Debatte 2021 Herausgegeben:Matheus, Michael; König, Judith; Stiftung Haus des Erinnerns - für Demokratie und Akzeptanz Mainz; Verein der Freude des Landesmuseums Mainz e.V.; Mainzer Altertumsverein e.V.; Bürgerrat St
The Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate was granted guest rights in the Stone Hall of the Mainz State Museum for the duration of the renovation of the Deutschhaus. After the parliament had moved into the newly designed building, the Stone Hall was to be made fully available to the State Museum again. When it became known in 2021 that the Landtag did not want to return the Steinhalle as promised, but instead wanted to set up a "democracy laboratory" there permanently, a public discussion ensued, which is documented in this volume.
The Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate was granted guest rights in the Stone Hall of the Mainz State Museum for the duration of the renovation of the Deutschhaus. After the parliament had moved into the newly designed building, the Stone Hall was to be made fully available to the State Museum again. When it became known in 2021 that the Landtag did not want to return the Steinhalle as promised, but instead wanted to set up a "democracy laboratory" there permanently, a public discussion ensued, which is documented in this volume.