"Die neue Architektur und das Bauhaus" erschien erstmals 1935 in englischer Sprache. Die vorliegende Ausgabe beruht jedoch auf dem in deutscher Sprache verfassten Originalmanuskript. Gropius stellt hier ein Jahr nach seiner Emigration nach England die Ideen des in Deutschland geschlossenen und verbotenen Bauhauses einem angelsächsischen und amerikanischen Publikum vor. Das Buch hatte wesentlichen Anteil daran, dass Gropius schon bald - v.a. in den USA - zum gefeierten Architekten aufstieg und das Bauhaus auch in Amerika zum Begriff wurde. "Als er 1937 nach Harvard kam, verwies er zwar in seinen ersten Vorträgen auf die vorbildliche amerikanische Bauwirtschaft, die unübertroffen sei, aber er betonte auch, dass er die Amerikaner nicht lehren wolle, wie amerikanische Architektur aussehen solle, und dass er schon gar nicht einen europäischen Stil einführen wolle. Genau das versuchte und tat er natürlich doch, denn es war ja seine Lebensüberzeugung, dass Architektur die Kräfte der Gegenwart ausdrücken müsse, so wie es die Vertreter des Neuen Bauens und er selbst an der Spitze in den zwanziger Jahren vorgeführt hatten." (Nerdinger). Worauf das hier angesprochene Selbstbewusstsein gründete, zeigt der vorliegende Band, in dem der Architekt auf sein Schaffen in Weimar und Dessau zurückblickt.
"The New Architecture and The Bauhaus" was first published in 1935 in English. The current edition, however, is based on the German original manuscript. One year after his emigration to England Gropius here presents the ideas of the Bauhaus, which had been closed and banned in Germany, to an Anglo-Saxon and American audience. The book contributed considerably to Gropius' rise to a celebrated architect - particularly in the US - and introduced the Bauhaus to America. "When he came to Harvard in 1937, he did refer to the exemplary American building industry, which had no equal, but he also pointed out that he did not want to teach Americans what American architecture should look like, and that he most certainly did not want to introduce a European style. This was exactly what he attempted and finally did, of course, as he believed that architecture had to express the forces of the present time like the members of the "Neues Bauen" (New Building) with himself at their head had shown in the 1920s." (Nerdinger). This volume, in which the architect looks back on his work in Weimar and Dessau, reveals the foundations of the self-confidence expressed here.
"The New Architecture and The Bauhaus" was first published in 1935 in English. The current edition, however, is based on the German original manuscript. One year after his emigration to England Gropius here presents the ideas of the Bauhaus, which had been closed and banned in Germany, to an Anglo-Saxon and American audience. The book contributed considerably to Gropius' rise to a celebrated architect - particularly in the US - and introduced the Bauhaus to America. "When he came to Harvard in 1937, he did refer to the exemplary American building industry, which had no equal, but he also pointed out that he did not want to teach Americans what American architecture should look like, and that he most certainly did not want to introduce a European style. This was exactly what he attempted and finally did, of course, as he believed that architecture had to express the forces of the present time like the members of the "Neues Bauen" (New Building) with himself at their head had shown in the 1920s." (Nerdinger). This volume, in which the architect looks back on his work in Weimar and Dessau, reveals the foundations of the self-confidence expressed here.