5 Angebote ab € 35,00 €
  • Gebundenes Buch

"The Rhetoric of the American Presidents since F.D.Roosevelt." (Text in German.) A project of the special area of research "Areas of Transition and Conflict between the Spoken and Written Word" deals with political rhetoric in the USA, placing emphasis upon presidential rhetoric from Franklin D. Roosevelt until the present time. Attention is directed to the so-called "new eloquence" as well as to the increased importance of this eloquence - a phenomenon which has led some critics to speak of the "rhetorical presidency". This book also examines the influence of radio and television on the…mehr

"The Rhetoric of the American Presidents since F.D.Roosevelt." (Text in German.)
A project of the special area of research "Areas of Transition and Conflict between the Spoken and Written Word" deals with political rhetoric in the USA, placing emphasis upon presidential rhetoric from Franklin D. Roosevelt until the present time. Attention is directed to the so-called "new eloquence" as well as to the increased importance of this eloquence - a phenomenon which has led some critics to speak of the "rhetorical presidency". This book also examines the influence of radio and television on the development of presidential rhetoric.Ein Projekt des Sonderforschungsbereichs "Übergänge und Spannungsfelder zwischenMündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit" beschäftigt sich mit der politischen Rhetorik in den USA. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei die Präsidentenrhetorik von Frnaklin D. Roosevelt bis zur Gegenwart. Die Aufmerksamkeit gilt der sogenannten 'new eloquence', zum einen der gestiegenen Bedeutung der Beredsamkeit, die viele Kritiker von der 'rhetorischen Präsidentschaft' sprechen läßt, zum anderen den Veränderungen der Rhetorik unter dem Einfluss von Rundfunk und Fernsehen.