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Following Traxler's 'Aus dem Leben der Gummibärchen' ('From the life of the jelly bears'), we now present 'Die Wiederkehr der Gummibärchen' ('The return of the jelly bears')

Following Traxler's 'Aus dem Leben der Gummibärchen' ('From the life of the jelly bears'), we now present 'Die Wiederkehr der Gummibärchen' ('The return of the jelly bears')
Hans Traxler, geboren 1929 in Herrlich/Böhmen, studierte Malerei und Lithographie an der Städelschule in Frankfurt. Er war Gründungsmitglied der Satirezeitschriften Pardon und Titanic und arbeitete für die Magazine von ZEIT, SZ, FAZ u.a. Darüber hinaus zeichnete, schrieb und illustrierte er mehr als 40 Bücher. 2006 erhielt er den Satirepreis 'Göttinger Elch', 2007 den 'Deutschen Karikaturenpreis', beide für sein Lebenswerk, 2012 den 'Karikaturpreis der deutschen Anwaltschaft' und den 'Ludwig-Emil-Grimm-Preis'. Hans Traxler lebt in Frankfurt am Main.
"Hans Traxler's 'Aus dem Leben der Gummibärchen' is the first book by a German caricaturist to be published in the USA." (Der Spiegel) "Even those who have never tasted a jelly bear, even those who have problems with their third and fourth sets of teeth or who have no teeth at all will enjoy this picture book with its short, clever and wonderful fairytale-like texts." (Die Weltwoche) "This is the most hilarious thing ever to have been thought, written or painted on the subject of jelly bears. " (Sächsische Zeitung) "Gottfried Helnwein's statement that Donald Duck would be the only cultural figure to survive this century is not quite true. There are always the jelly bears." (Der Standard) "Hans Traxler studied the sweet little creatures for years before writing his first extensive work about them. His texts are to the point and full of appreciation for the colourful seducers. His pictures drawn strictly from life, show the jelly bears in their natural state - mer cilessly, yet in all their beauty." (Elle)