In enger Zusammenarbeit mit einem international besetzten Mitarbeiterstab verschiedener Universitäten, Museen und archäologischer Fachinstitutionen leistet der Herausgeber Gotthard G. G. Reinhold erstmals einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Siebenzahl-Symbolik in der Bibel und ihrer altorientalischen Umwelt. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf archäologisches Fundmaterial gelegt, das mit verschiedensten Motiven der Siebenzahl verbunden ist: Tonwareverzierungen, Siegel- und Rollsiegeldarstellungen, Intarsienarbeiten, Abbildungen auf Keilschrifttafeln, Tonlampenverzierungen, Münzenprägungen, Felsritzungen, Reliefdarstellungen, u. a. mehr. Was die Bibel betrifft, werden die Heptaden im Kultleben des Alten Testaments, in Erzählungen, Kampfberichten, Psalmen und Sprüchen, in prophetischen Texten (Altes und Neues Testament), in der Onomastik und in der Struktur des biblischen Textes aufgespürt und analysiert. Für Dozenten, Studenten und Bibelinteressierte der Archäologie des Alten Orients und der Geschichte und Religion Israels soll der Band eine Grundlage bilden, um Detailforschungen zur Zahlensymbolik in altorientalischer Zeit voranzutreiben.
In close cooperation with colleagues belonging to different universities, museums and archaeological institutions around the world, the final editor Gotthard G. G. Reinhold is the first to offer us an exhaustive contribution on the symbolism of the number seven in the Ancient Near East. Special attention is given to archaeological material related to various elements relevant to the number seven: decoration on ancient pottery, iconography on stamp and cylinder seals, ivory and shell carving and inlays, depictions on cuneiform tablets, decoration of oil lamps, coins, rock carvings, etc. As for the Bible, the heptades in the cultic life of the Old Testament, in narratives, war traditions, Psalms and Proverbs, in prophetic literature (in both the Old and New Testaments), in the onomasticon and in the literary structure of thebiblical texts are traced and analysed. This is an important volume on the subject of numerical symbolism in the Ancient Near East for professors, students and ancient near eastern archaeologists interested in Bible alike.
In close cooperation with colleagues belonging to different universities, museums and archaeological institutions around the world, the final editor Gotthard G. G. Reinhold is the first to offer us an exhaustive contribution on the symbolism of the number seven in the Ancient Near East. Special attention is given to archaeological material related to various elements relevant to the number seven: decoration on ancient pottery, iconography on stamp and cylinder seals, ivory and shell carving and inlays, depictions on cuneiform tablets, decoration of oil lamps, coins, rock carvings, etc. As for the Bible, the heptades in the cultic life of the Old Testament, in narratives, war traditions, Psalms and Proverbs, in prophetic literature (in both the Old and New Testaments), in the onomasticon and in the literary structure of thebiblical texts are traced and analysed. This is an important volume on the subject of numerical symbolism in the Ancient Near East for professors, students and ancient near eastern archaeologists interested in Bible alike.