Faced with the transformations taking place in today's environment (fierce competition, technological evolution, robotization, globalization... etc), no one can deny that "Digital Transformation" represents an unavoidable and indisputable lever for optimizing the Management and integral Development of any company concerned with preserving its survival.This Maîtrise de Recherche en Communication Numérique (Master's thesis in Digital Communication Research) proposes effective innovation strategies which, individually or collectively, will make both the Institut Supérieur de Gestion and its agents more competent, and subsequently integrate innovation into all sectors of activity, principally those of Education, Research and Administration.Innovation is a process that cannot be ordered, but rather managed. Innovation is a process that can't be controlled, but rather managed. Digital transformation brings with it new skills and upheavals, including for ISG-Kin managers in all sectors,who are faced with new challenges.