1. Introduction Michael Dockrill and Brian McKercher; 2. 'A world apart':
gentlemen amateurs, professional generalists Valerie Cromwell; 3.
'Experiencing the foreign': British foreign policy makers and the delights
of travel Keith Robbins; 4. Arbitration: the first phase, 1870-1914 Richard
Langhorne; 5. 'Only a d....d marionette'?: the influence of ambassadors on
British foreign policy, 1904-1914 Keith Neilson; 6. Old diplomacy and new:
the Foreign Office and foreign policy, 1919-1939 Brian McKercher; 7. The
evolution of British diplomatic strategy for the Locarno Pact, 1924-1925
Eric Goldstein; 8. Chamberlain's ambassadors Donald Cameron Watt; 9. The
British Foreign Office and France during the 'phoney war', September
1939-May 1940 Michael Dockrill; 10. Churchill the appeaser? Between Hitler,
Roosevelt and Stalin in the Second World War David Reynolds; 11. From ally
to enemy: Britain and the Soviet Union, 1941-1948 Geoffrey Warner;
Biographical notes.