With Directors' Diaries 2, Rakesh Anand Bakshi adds yet another volume to his ongoing series of conversations with Hindi cinema's most iconic voices. This time he shares with us his conversations with some of the industry's most eminent film-makers-Shyam Benegal, Tanuja Chandra, Kabir Khan, Abhishek Chaubey, Nandita Das, Shakun Batra, Prabhu Deva and Mohit Suri-as well as significant but often overlooked behind-the-scenes crew such as spot boy Salim Shaikh, make-up artist Vikram Gaikwad and sound designer Rakesh Ranjan. From the moment they were first drawn to the craft of film-making and how they got that elusive first break as a film-maker to films that left a deep impression on them and what they have learnt from other film-makers they admire, Directors' Diaries 2 is an invaluable collection of stories for aspiring directors and cinema fans alike.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.