Mona Livholts (BA, MA, PhD) is Associate Professor of Social Work at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies at Linköping University, Sweden, and coordinator of R.A.W., The Network for Reflexive Academic Writing Methodologies. The main focus of her work is emergent writing methodologies, discourse and narrative methods and artistic research processes. Research themes include media and social work, gender and intersectionality, space, memory and technological transformation. She has published monographs, co-edited and edited volumes in Swedish and English, including, 'Women', Welfare, Textual Politics and Critique. An Invitation to a ThinkingWriting Methodology in the Study of Welfare, Emergent Writing Methodologies in Feminist Studies, and a trilogy of untimely academic novellas: 'The Professor's Chair', 'The Snow Angel and Other Imprints', and 'Writing Water'.
PART I: Introducing Discourse and Narrative Methods
Chapter 1. The Becoming of a Textbook. A Readers Guide
Chapter 2. Theoretical and Methodological Departures in Contested Fields of
Chapter 3. Themes: Media and Society, Gender and Space, Autobiography and
Life Writing
PART II: Narrative and Discourse: Making Connections
Chapter 4. Narrative Phenomena: Entanglements and Intra-Actions in
Narrative Research
Chapter 5. Discourse, Authoring and Performativity
Chapter 6. Narrative Modalities of Power
Chapter 7. Discourse, Power and Representation
Chapter 8. Narrative as force
Chapter 9. Discourses as Embodied Genealogies
Chapter 10. Narrative and the Political
PART III: Situated and Reflective Writing Sessions
Chapter 11. A Politics of Location in Discourse and Narrative Methods
Chapter 12. Working with Diaries and Letters
Chapter 13. Working with Memories
Chapter 14. Untimely Academic Novella Writing