Are your finances out of control? Be a master of your financial destiny. Turn your business into a cash generating, profit making machine that will secure your financial freedom. Ever wondered why you make solid profits but your bank account has no cash in it? Tired of having to scrounge up cash to meet the payroll or satisfy suppliers chasing payment. Frustrated you're always the last to get paid ... You are not alone. Many business owners, despite managing a profitable business, live in fear of checking their bank balance. They're led to believe that profits are enough to keep a business humming. However, financial viability is more than making profits. In Discover Your Finance Engine, author Debra Cooper outlines how cash flows through your business using three core financial statements. You will discover · Your Finance Engine is an asset that when running right can unlock trapped cash and sustain profits. · The financial formula specific to your business and how to leverage upon it to generate cash and maximize profits. · The path to financial freedom where stakeholders are paid whilst maintaining a healthy cash balance. Regain control of your business' finances and claim sustainable financial freedom today!
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