Gracie, a genetically engineered "Altrant" human, embarks on a perilous journey as an officer in Earth's Navy. Guided by Admiral Charles Altherton, she gradually embraces her role and mentor's influence. Gracie encounters the enigmatic freighter captain Kerry Vorcek, a figure from Altherton's past. Unexpectedly, Altherton entrusts Gracie with encrypted files, setting off a series of perilous events that shatter her sense of security. Torn between loyalty and doubt, Gracie finds herself captured and subjected to relentless torture. Haunted by loss and disillusionment, she withdraws into herself, her trust in humanity deeply shaken. Fate intervenes when she is reunited with Kerry, who offers her a glimmer of hope. Together they struggle to overcome their differences, as they embark on a quest for survival and redemption, ultimately rediscovering the meaning of trust, friendship, and love. All the while evading their enemies and the looming threat of war between the Inner system planets and the Outer worlds Alliance
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