Timothy MurrayDrama Trauma
Specters of Race and Sexuality in Performance, Video and Art
Timothy Murray is Professor of English at Cornell University. His most recent publications include Like a Film: Ideological Fantasy on Screen, Camera and Canvas (Routledge 1993) and Mimesis, Masochism and Mime: The Politics of Theatricality in Contemporary French Thought (1997).
List of Figures
1. Introduction
Part One: Sounding Silence in Shakespeare
2. Getting Stoned: Psychoanalysis and the Epistemology of Tragedy in Shakespeare
3. Othello
An Index and Obscure Prologue to the History of Foul Generic Thought
4. 'Misshapen Chaos of Well-Seeming Forms': Specters of Jointure in Romeo and Juliet
Part Two: Writing Women's Vision
5. Patriarchal Panopticism
or the Enigma of a Woman's Smile: Getting Out in Theory
6. The Play of Letters: Writing and Possession in Chucky's Hunch
Part Three: Color Adjustments
7. Differa(n)ce: Screening the Camera's Eye in African-American Drama
8. In Exile at Home: Tornado Breath and Unrighteous Fantasy in Robbie McCauley's Indian Blood
Part Four: Televisual Fear
9. Camera Obsura Ideologica: From Vermeer to Video in All's Well That Ends Well
10. The Contrast Hurts: Censoring the Ladies Liberty in Performance
11. Televisual Fears and Warrior Myths: Mary Kelly Meets Dawn Dedeaux