Expanding on her first book, Dreamland: The Story of an Earth Angel, Melina Mortensen tells of her galactic origins among the Pleiadian family of star beings that seeded humanity on Earth. After a sudden awakening in the fall of 2020, she has learned of her abilities as a fifth-dimensional light being assisting humans in a myriad of ways. In this book Melina shares her discovery of her true identity as Merope, the "lost star" who originates from the constellation Pleiades or Messier 45. Merope, her sisters, and many other Pleiadians were responsible for bringing specific DNA to the planet, setting the process of creating homo sapiens into motion. Merope made a heart-led decision to remain with humanity when her Pleiadian family left the planet and returned to the stars, choosing to stay and observe the progression of human evolution. This decision caused a rift between her and her Pleiadian family. After millennia of feeling separated and ostracized, she has been invited back into the fold of her star family. Incarnating for the last time, she is helping to transmute lower energies through her psychic abilities. She also will participate in bringing an energy to the planet, laying the foundation to pull Earth into the fifth dimension. Her wisdom will be needed to guide the masses as systems that no longer serve humanity begin to topple. She continues her time traveling episodes, showing up to offer second chances to those who would otherwise attract soul-scarring karma. Step inside her dreams as the story of her unfolding realization of her current purpose and starseed identity is revealed.
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