The Duke of Zhou was the brother of King Wu of Zhou in ancient China. Only three years after defeating the Shang Dynasty King Wu died, and the kingship following Zhou custom passed to his young son, King Cheng of Zhou. Being too inexperienced to run the newly founded empire, The Duke of Zhou served as regent for King Wu's son, taking care of him for seven years, until he was old enough to rule. The Duke of Zhou fought in a war against his two brothers, who were conspiring with the feudal rulers and the remnants of the Shang to oppose the Zhou. Within five years, he had managed to defeat all the rebellions that were taking place in the Eastern regions and had one brother executed and the other banished. In order to counter the Shang's claims to divine right of rule due to their descent from the god Ti, the Duke of Zhou formulated the doctrine of the Mandate of Heaven. According to this doctrine, the Shang had grossly offended Heaven: thus Heaven had commanded the reluctant Zhou toreplace them and restore order.