The story revolves around protagonist Cadina Wilson, who, in her late twenties, is still clueless about goal-setting and fulfillment of purpose. Her father, having provided her with a life of privilege, is frustrated by her callous attitude and unstable work history and is now determined to see his daughter succeed. As a result, he (once again) uses his influence to obtain a prominent position for Cadina within Midway Post Office. Along this journey, she encounters, among others, the following postal employees: Letter Carrier Freeman Souls, who suffered the recent and unexpected loss of his mother, now struggles to function without a drink, even on the job. He's also embarking on a relationship with the station's diva, Velour Patterns, as an outlet, even though he's engaged. Unbeknown to him, she's conducting some rather disturbing activities underneath the postal radar. James Richards, a single father, and all-around good guy is pursuing full custody of his daughter from her extremely negligent mother. Thirty-year-old Louis Rodriguez has dreams of leaving the Postal Service altogether to pursue a career as a rap superstar, but his rap style reflects the mindset of an adolescent and is met with constant disapproval and ridicule by his postal brethren. Lastly, looking to climb his way up the postal ladder is the very pompous Lexington Vanguard, who pursues a supervisor position and a relationship with Cadina, all at the same time.
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