In remarkable contrast to additional grammatical or lexical trainings, many second language learners are rarely successful communicators. Rather than the constructively pedagogical approaches considered in teaching, it seems that pragmatics as one of the evident, significant and the most effective factors in beneficial language use is being neglected. However, many attempts with formal viewpoints are done in teaching and testing alone which various methods are created and introduced, but always pragmatics is treated as a thoroughly separated field. Much has of course been done about possible instructive methods in pragmatics in translation and awareness raising, but the main problematic question still remained unanswered: "are the students able to handle the proper use of language after career?" Thus Dynamic Assessment as a tool to construct the students learning tunnel on their weaknesses and a way to satisfy their needs by observations and tests is introduced. This book will focus on the introducing a new method on a framework of pragmatics instructions. It will explore a number of perspectives which are plausibly possible, easy to use and profitable in students' learning.